Oh Bloody Chums! Menstrual Cup

Say goodbye to the hassle of constantly changing tampons or pads, and hello to a Oh Bloody Chums! Menstrual Cup that can be reused for years. Not only is it better for your wallet, but it's also better for the environment. This innovative product is the perfect fusion of comfort, convenience, and sustainability. Made from medical-grade materials, it provides a leak-proof, comfortable fit that lasts for hours on end. We offer three sizes: S - Recommended for teens & first-time users M - Recommended for Young Adults L - Recommended Post Pregnancy
Made with 100% medical grade silicone.
Made without latex, BPA, plastic, dye and any other harmful chemical.
1. Sterilize - wash and boil the menstrual cup before first use and between cycles.
2. Fold - fold the menstrual cup in half, creating a U shape or a C shape, to make it easier to insert.
3. Insert - relax and find a comfortable position (such as squatting, standing with one leg raised, or sitting on the toilet). Then, gently insert the folded menstrual cup into the vagina, aiming towards the tailbone.
4. Release - once the cup is inside, gently rotate it to ensure it has fully opened and formed a seal with the vaginal walls.
5. Check - after a few hours, check to see if the cup has leaked or if it needs to be emptied.
6. Remove - gently grasp the base of the cup and twist it to break the seal. Then, gently pull the cup down and out of the vagina.
7. Empty - empty the menstrual fluid into the toilet and rinse the cup with soap and water or a specialized cleaning solution.
8. Reinsert - after cleaning, reinsert the cup and repeat steps 4-7 as needed.