Camel Conservation Project

The camel that was once the pride and joy of
Rajasthan is now becoming extinct!
Faith & Patience is supporting camel conservation
project run by NGO “Camel Charishma” by educating
about the benefits of camel milk.
Our camel milk is sourced ethically.
Contrary to conventional dairy systems, Camels are
free to roam around & camel mothers and their young
ones are never separated. At the same time, better income
opportunities are created for traditional Reika herders.

If we don’t sell or consume by-products of Camels, survival of them will become impossible, as there is no natural habitat without human interference left for camels to live. Camels have been traditionally kept and looked after by the Reika community of herders in Rajasthan and as it's becoming impossible to continue a nomadic lifestyle, it's necessary for them to sell camel milk and survive or they will have to slaughter or sell camels for meat. German activist Kohler Rollefson says emerging markets for milk could revive herder’s fortune and in turn save camels of Rajasthan.